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Children’s Culture in Numbers

Statistics Reflect the Diversity of Our Network’s Work

The Association of Children’s Culture in Finland is a nationwide network of professionally operating children’s culture centers and organizations. Its members provide local and regional cultural services across Finland. Last year, the network had activities in 70% of Finland’s municipalities, with over 1.8 million interactions with children through various events and programs.

All 36 member organisations of the Association collect annual statistics on their activities. Since the statistical reform in 2022, the network has compiled high-quality, standardized, and comparable data to provide a clear overview of the work being done. This information supports not only the Association and its members but also funders, researchers, the media, and Statistics Finland.

Data on the activities of children’s culture centers is available in Statistics Finland’s publications (in Finnish) starting from 2015, the year the Association was founded.

A Diverse Membership Produces a Wealth of Information

The Association of Children’s Culture in Finland brings together a wide range of members, including national cultural operators, municipal and city cultural services, networks of municipalities, and independent organisations. You can find the full list of members on the “Children’s Arts and Culture Network” page, where each organization is introduced with a short description.

The network is highly diverse—it includes children’s and youth cultural services from Finland’s largest cities, as well as mobile cultural operators without a fixed public venue. Members work in both urban and rural areas, collaborating with schools, early childhood education, maternity and child health clinics, and reception centers, ensuring equal access to arts and culture for all children and young people.

The Year 2024 in Numbers

The below Statistics Are Based on Data from 34 Member Centers in 2024. Two member organizations did not submit their statistics, and the figures do not include children’s culture operators that are not members of the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland.

Encounters represent the total number of participants by age group and event type. The statistics were provided by 34 out of 36 member organizations.

Activities for every child

Every child reached through artistic activities is important. In 2024, the member organisations of the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland engaged with children and young people 1.8 million times. The network’s activities reached 70% of all municipalities in Finland.

The children’s culture network provides services in multiple languages. In 2024, activities were offered in 15 different languages, including Finnish and Swedish, as well as Ukrainian, Estonian, Dari, Igbo, Arabic, and Chinese. Additionally, nonverbal activities were available, allowing participation regardless of language background.

Children’s culture services are designed for children, families, and professionals working with them. In 2024, members organized workshops, clubs, open cultural center activities, events, festivals, performances, exhibitions, and training sessions. Altogether, 24,175 children’s arts and culture activities took place across Finland.

Total events in 2024 categorised by type of activity.

Total events in 2024 categorised by type of activity.

Total encounters in 2024 by age group. Statistics were provided by 34 out of 36 member organisations.

International and high-quality activities.

The Association of Children’s Culture in Finland promotes international collaboration, supporting both joint projects and professional networking within the field. International projects often focus on developing new working methods, growing expertise, and sharing best practices. In 2024, international cooperation, including projects and events, was carried out with 24 different countries across Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

A total of 16 member organisations provided activities as part of the Finnish Model for Leisure Activities, and 26 organisations organised activities for Cultural Education Plans. In addition to producing children’s arts and culture activities, the Association’s members also train professionals across various fields. In 2024, 26 member organisations held 246 training sessions, with a total of 10,249 participants.

Statistics were provided by 34 out of 36 member organisations.

Member Delivered activities (live and online activities)Number of customer contacts, childrenTotal number of customer contacts
Annantalo Arts Centre, City of Helsinki2 653230 813297 355
Children’s cultural centre Lastu
Arkkitehtuuri- ja ympäristökulttuurikoulu Lastu ry
4988 00813 468
South Karelia children’s cultural centre Metku, City of Lappeenranta29720 46126 603
Joensuun lastenkulttuurikeskus – Pohjois-Karjalan lastenkulttuuriverkosto, City of Joensuu78925 56928 816
Kemin lastenkulttuurikeskus, City of Kemi817 5184 746
Kiertävä lastenkulttuurikeskus Kattila56911 62013 548
Konserttikeskus – Concert Centre Finland
Konserttikeskus ry
889119 045119 045
Kotka Children’s cultural centre, City of Kotka14944 70576 571
Koulukino – School Cinema Association
7462 24863 425
Cultural centre for children and youth Kulttuuriaitta, City of Jyväskylä1 75193 851113 410
Cultural centre ARX, City of Hämeenlinna1 17489 481129 214
PiiPoo – Centre for Art and Culture
Kulttuurikeskus PiiPoon kannatusyhdistys ry
964131 269195 593
Lapland children’s cultural network, City of Enontekiö387891 768
Cultural centre for children and youth Villa Arttu – Art Centre for Children and Young People Foundation91314 892559 499
Children’s Cultural Centre Aurora, City of Espoo61014 92122 478
Children’s cultural centre Efekti, City of Lahti65328 98535 161
Lastenkulttuurikeskus Kruunupää, Pori children’s cultural centre, City of Pori66632 55286 231
Children’s cultural centre Louhimo, City of Seinäjoki71729 38737 865
Lastenkulttuurikeskus Lykky, Kaustisen kunta19112 36814 210
Children’s Culture Centre Färi, City of Turku1 11653 17165 864
Lasten kulttuurikeskus Vekkula, Vekkuliteatteri ry2529 13813 969
Children’s culture network Verso, City of Varkaus 92345 80861 511
Lilla Villan2359 76616 564
Luckan Helsingfors92631 71933 349
Luckan Raseborg726 9247 556
Puppet theatre Sampo26125 854
Cultural Centre Valve
City of Oulu
40668 01994 474
Pohjanmaan lastenkulttuuriverkosto BARK24144 22846 657
Sagalund museum and children’s culture centre1904 9286 676
Tampere city cultural services: Children’s cultural centre Rulla, Art Arc cultural education programme3 36080 089123 107
Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth, Helsinki68427 85148 904
Teatteri-Traktori9322 00024 510
Culture Cooperative Uulu86166 766126 199
City of Vantaa cultural services196270 95593 287
Total24 1751 817 0722 630 259

Statistics were provided by 34 out of 36 member organisations.

Illustrations by Kaisa Eskola.

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