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Association of Children’s Culture in Finland as a Member of Organisations

According to the Association’s strategy, the Association promotes the conditions for children’s arts and culture by participating in lobbying for art and culture, developing children’s culture across administrative sectors and sharing information about the benefits of culture and art for children and young people. Stakeholder work and networking is very important to the Federation, which is why it is a member of many organisations and networks.

The Association is a member of the following Finnish organisations:

Kulttuuria kaikille ry


Kulttuuri- ja taidealan keskusjärjestö, KULTA ry

Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto

Sivistystyönantajat, SIVISTA ry

SOSTE, Suomen sosiaali ja terveys ry

Suomen nuorisoalan kattojärjestö Allianssi ry

Suomen taidekasvatuksen Observatorio (liitto on toinen perustajajäsen)

Tampereen Kauppakamari

The Association is a member of the following International organisations:

Observatory for Arts and Cultural Education, Finland

The Observatory for Arts and Cultural Education, Finland was founded in 2017. Its aim is to make arts and culture education effective and accessible, and to elevate its social status and recognition. Its top priority is arts and culture education for children and young people. It also seeks to promote lifelong learning and arts and culture education for various age and target groups.

The Observatory for Arts and Cultural Education, Finland comprises CERADA, the Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (part of the University of the Arts Helsinki) and the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland. Its cooperation partners are Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture, the University of Lapland’s Faculty of Art and Design, The Haukkala Foundation, the Finnish association for basic education in the arts, the Finnish Association of Adult Education Centres, and the Finnish National Agency for Education. The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture supports the Observatory’s actions. The Observatory’s programme of work complies with UNESCO policies and guidelines for arts and culture education and with the Articles of Association of the ENO network.

European Network of Cultural Centres, ENCC

The ENCC, with 121 members, is a prominent organisation that supports cultural centres throughout Europe, providing a platform for sharing knowledge, best practices, and advocating for the cultural sector’s interests.

Aleksi Valta, Director of the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland, was elected to the board of directors of the European Network of Cultural Centers (ENCC) in June 2024. 

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