International Children’s Culture Forum 30.9.–1.10.2019
Everybody’s Business – Inclusion in Culture and Arts Education and Implementation of Children’s Cultural Rights

Is culture and arts education inclusive? How do we implement children’s cultural rights in different countries? What does the future of children’s culture and arts education look like?
The first International Children’s Culture Forum in Finland takes place in the city of Tampere in fall 2019. The forum’s aims are to widen international co-operation and to deepen the shared understanding of the value base of children’s rights and their role in a well-functioning society.
Keynote speakers for the Forum
- Professor Anne Bamford OBE, Strategic Director of the Education, Culture and Skills for the City of London. Her presentation carries the title The How Factor: Making culture and arts education a basic right for all children.
- Dr. Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Her presentation carries the title Embodied and Intercultural Learning in Interdisciplinary Arts Education – Advancing Futures of Children in Multi-Cultural Schools?
We are expecting many interesting speeches, workshops and discussions on children’s culture. Forum’s parallel sessions will focus on the following themes:
- Implementation of children’s cultural rights: Arts and culture belong to every child
- Inclusion in arts and culture education: arts and culture-based means in reducing discrimination, increasing participation and improving equality in society. Creating inclusive and accessible art education for children with disabilities and with special needs.
- International co-operation in the field of children’s culture and arts education and/or the role of children’s culture in the European capitals of culture.
Ticket price is 120 euros and 60 euros for the members of the Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers.
Tickets are non-refundable after 17th September 2019.
We have live streaming on Monday Sept 30th and Tuesday Oct 1st!
Programme on the main stage will be live streamed all through Monday. The live stream is online from 9:00-9:30 and 10:15-11:45. The afternoon’s parallel sessions will be streamed as well, 13:00-14:45 and 15:15-17:00.
The live stream is online on Kulttuuri Tampere YouTube channel.
The speakers heard on the live stream on Monday morning are
🔸Johanna Loukaskorpi, Deputy mayor, City of Tampere
🔸Tuomo Puumala, State Secretary to the Minister of Science and Culture
🔸Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of Finnish National Commission for UNESCO
🔸Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark
🔸Aleksi Valta, Executive Director, Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers
🔸Viivi Seirala, Executive Director, Association of Basic Education in the Arts
🔸Iina Berden, Special Government Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture
The speakers in the parallel session Children’s cultural rights – whose business are they? at 13:00-14:45 are
🔸Jolita Bečienė, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania
🔸Aron Weigl, EDUCULT, Austria
🔸Collette Brownlee, Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum
The speakers in the parallel session Joined forces: culture and education for cultural participation? at 15:15-17:00 are
🔸Sian James and Bethan Millett, Arts Council of Wales
🔸Auni Tuovinen, Childrens culture center ARX
🔸Sinikka Rusanen, Research group ”Visual culture, art and skills”
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS IS NOW CLOSED. The authors of the selected presentations have been informed of the selection personally.
We welcome innovative examples of policies, practices and research on children’s arts and culture. We are looking for presentations or short workshops that describe or analyse at least one of the conference themes. Presentations can focus on policy, practice or research. The length of the presentation is limited to 20 minutes.
If you have any questions concerning this call for presentations, please contact the project coordinator Ms. Maarit Mäkinen (maarit.makinen(at) For any other questions, please contact Ms. Marianna Lehtinen (marianna.lehtinen(at) or Mr. Aleksi Valta (aleksi.valta(at)
The forum is organized by the Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers in close co-operation with the City of Tampere, the Finnish Observatory of Art Education, The Association of Basic Education in the Arts and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The event is hosted by the city of Tampere, a European Culture Capital 2026 candidate for Finland. The city will celebrate its 240th birthday on October 1st.
The Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers was founded in 2015 to promote professionally organized children’s cultural centers in Finland. Nowadays the Association consists of 30 children’s cultural centers and is an advocate for the importance and visibility of children’s culture in everyday life. The member organizations have a strong tradition of reciprocal support within their network, and the Association further progresses it.