Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow (POT-VOT) is a collaborative project with 5 partners, designed to bring poetry and contemporary poets closer to young people, teachers and local communities in all partner countries.
20 artists will explore how poetry performance can be used to share the innovative methodology: first with 50 poets, then 100 school teachers, and finally reaching more than 5000 young audience members from all 5 participating countries. An international poet collective will become the influencing body for the methodological process by performing in 5 different countries, presenting the process at the Frankfurt Book Fair and by publishing an international book including the translations of poems in 5 partner languages and the contact details of those involved, to enable further potential for translation and publishing in other EU countries.
50 EU poets will be trained to perform in schools and then connected with secondary school teachers to initiate discussion and practice regarding the representation of poetry in schools. The key outcome of this will be 50 literary events taking place in school-Poetry Days, connecting teachers and poets to engage young audiences.
A Tool Book will be created to support long-term take up of the methodology and prepare new script formats that promote poets in partner countries and beyond. To increase the visibility of artists, 5 Poetry City Walks will be organised to connect poetry with life in the community and to offer quality cultural programmes for cities with an emphasis on innovative poetry performance formats. Literary maps will be developed with professional illustrators. The project will ensure gender equality and address gender representation in poetry. It will also focus strongly on environmental sustainability (with a focus on ecological promotional material). Another key outcome will be a policy proposal to governments to start advocating for more funding for cooperation between poets and teachers, and for more poetry in schools.
Coordinator: Pionirski dom – center za kulturo mladih (SI)
Partners: HF Heartefact Fund (RS), Fundacja ARTeria (PL), PRO Progressione Kulturalis Nonprofit Kozhasznu KFT (HU), Suomen lastenkulttuuriliitto (FI)
Project duration: 1.9.2022–31.3.2025
Follow the project
Official web page: https://potvot-project.eu/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/potvotproject
Instagram: https://instagram.com/potvotproject