Strategic objective
Children’s arts and culture have a visible and influential role in society. Participation in arts and culture is widely recognised as an equal right for children and young people. Arts and cultural experiences are a valued and tangible part of children’s and young people’s lives. They are part of the early childhood education and education of every child and young person.
Every child and young person has the opportunity to participate in high-quality artistic and cultural activities of their choice and to produce their own artistic content.
The operating conditions of the Association and its members are secured, forming the foundation for quality children’s culture.
Strategic priorities

1. We promote the status and visibility of children’s arts and culture in Finland
The Association promotes quality and professional children’s arts and culture. The promotion of quality children’s arts and culture requires that the conditions for the sector’s existence are secured. The Association promotes the conditions for children’s arts and culture through its advocacy for arts and culture.
2. We implement equal cultural education and access to arts and cultural activities
Arts and culture are an important part of every child’s and young person’s growth, competence and sense of community. The Association promotes that every municipality has a Cultural Education Plan and that the Art Testers activities support cultural education in Finland in an established and equal way.
Every child and young person can participate in high-quality art and cultural activities of his or her choice. The different fields of art and culture are taken into account in a wide range of promotion activities.
3. We influence nationwide as an expert network
The Association enables its members to form a network of experts in children’s culture, offering versatile, multilingual, and multi-artistic arts and cultural services for children across Finland. This network enhances the visibility of children’s and young people’s arts and culture, while also providing comprehensive information on the field nationwide. Membership in the network strengthens its members’ capacity to operate effectively in the field of children’s arts and culture.
VISION: Children’s right to culture and art is realised.
MISSION: We promote quality in children’s arts and culture, safeguard the interests of the sector and coordinate national cooperation.

The values of the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland are quality, equality, child-centredness and art.
We value high-quality, professionally produced arts and cultural services for children and young people that support their well-being, personal growth and inclusion. We recognise professionalism and creativity as the cornerstones of quality children’s culture.
The diversity of arts and culture, accessibility of arts and cultural services for children and young people and children’s right to participate in cultural and artistic life are seen as key factors for equality. All members of the Association are treated equally and fairly, valuing their individuality and skills.
We respect the thinking of children and young people and value them as artistic actors at their own age.
We recognize the diversity of art, its varied meanings, and its vast possibilities. Art serves as a community resource and a catalyst for spiritual growth while holding intrinsic value in its own right.